I'd like to point out that higher data rates are very very desirable.
And higher data rates are more expensive. If you're making one time pads, you need high bit rates, but otherwise you don't. 10Kbps is overcapacity for personal use. Let's do an estimate. Suppose all you use your random numbers for is to create session keys for socket connections. Now lets say you need to open a socket about once a minute. Since you need, say, 500 bits for a DH key exchange, that's a bit rate of about 10 bits per second. One can cache bits coming in from the random number generator in a ring buffer. You can make this ring buffer arbitarily large, or even virtualize it to disk and make it appear as infinite in size. Then you could run your generator continuously and always have enough bits available for use. If you're using a generator for making session keys, then you just don't need that high a bandwidth. Now the $/bps for the Newbridge chip is much lower, but for personal use you throw away too many of its bits to make it worthwhile. This higher bandwidth chip would be useful in a server of some sort, where you are making session keys more than once per second. Proposal: Make this random number generator operate at 100 bps. If higher bit rates are the same price, fine. But a specific design criterion of 100 bps should be a practical and economical goal. Eric