Its their INALIENABLE human and civil right,you fucking MAJOR LEAGUE ASSHOLE! Kill the president...please. Tensions Surface in U.S.-Egyptian Relations The Bush administration has announced that it is withholding further aid to Egypt. The move is highly unusual because Egypt is such an important Arab ally.Not so unusual when you examine the Sadat solution.(Jordan's king dick just abolished elections,isn't it all just going swimmingly while shrubs away?) Opposition to a U.S. attack on Iraq is increasingly being voiced internationally and within Washington. Despite the divisions it is causing, the Bush administration is not abandoning its strategy because it sees a successful campaign against Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein as a prime way to shatter the psychological advantage within the Islamist movement and demonstrate U.S. power. Analysis The diplomatic and political walls began to close in on the Bush administration's Iraq policy last week. First, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder very publicly announced something Berlin had been saying privately for years: The German government wants no part in any invasion of Iraq. Then Republican House majority leader Dick Armey said he saw little justification for an Iraqi operation. Schroeder's stance may be mainly a political ploy aimed at Germany's Sept. 22 elections as he currently is trailing conservative challenger Edmund Stoiber, who has taken a more pro-U.S. military stance. But Washington must still take seriously the opposition to an Iraq campaign within the German government and populace. Germany is a key staging area for U.S. forces. There are pre-positioned equipment and forces based in the country that undoubtedly would be needed for any attack. Depending on the opposition, U.S. bases in Germany might not be available for use. The statement from Armey also means that in addition to expected opposition from liberals, Bush could face the same from his own political base. At this point it seems there are very few outside the Bush administration who want an Iraq invasion, with the possible exception of the British government and Israel.And au.To our eternal shame in spite of our puppet leaders asslicking of arbusto that goes back to CIA sabotage and interferance leading to a coup in 75,when the present leader became treasurer,a position with implied leadership expectations attached.Dont blame the au people for the sick twists foisted on them by rogue terror states like the US. Thats my opinion,sit on it and rotate shrub,you motherfucking WEED! GO DIE! BEFORE we KILL YOU! To gain a psychological advantage you have to have half a fucking brain.