It never fails to amaze me that a person can send a letter to a politician telling them that they should shove a crowbar up a child's ass on primetime TV, and get back a reply stating that their opinion is important to the recipient. Once technology is further advanced, I am certain that we can look forward to receiving replies from world leaders which begin with, "Thank you for the DEATH THREAT!!!" ButAreYouReallySincereMonger? To: Subject: Re: PROGRAMMERS WANTED !!! From: (Senator McCain) Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 01:51:18 -0500 *Automated response* Dear Friend: Thank you for taking the time to contact my office. Your views and opinions are important to me. Due to the high volume of Internet requests that I receive daily, I am unable to provide you with an immediate response. However, if you have included a current mailing address and phone number, you will receive a response by phone or via the U.S. Postal Service. If you did not include a mailing address and would like to receive a response, please feel free to 'reply' to this email, attach a copy of your original message, and be sure to include your postal address and phone number. Additionally, due to provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, all federal agencies are prohibited from releasing any information regarding an individual without that individual's written consent. This protection means that if you are requesting my assistance with a particular agency or casework of any kind, I am unable to help until I have something in writing, complete with signature, from the person concerned to show that I am authorized to check into the matter. Unfortunately, email does not meet this requirement. I regret any inconvenience that this delay in corresponding may cause. Again, thank you for contacting my office. Sincerely, John McCain U.S. Senator