1) The fl0w of wArEz keeps the universe in perfect harmony. Without wArEz there would be no life as we know it. And just because you are a rich fat fuck who can afford to plunk down $795 for a copy of Pagemaker, you shouldn't take a moral stance against those who cannot afford such extortion yet need these software tools to keep up technologically with rich fat fucks like yourself.
If you think prices are outrageous, let the software manufacturers know. Let your friends know, let everyone know. The reason they charge such prices is because they can. The reason they can is because people let them. Even better, support free software alternatives, and get your friends to do the same.
2) wArEz have A LOT to do with Cypherpunks. Software, pirated or otherwise has value, and as such it must be considered as a form of digital money. One may trade encrypted wArEz anonymously over anonymous mailing lists, FSP/FTP sites, newsgroups like the proposed alt.waste, and BlackNet. wArEz _are_ digital gold coins, they have inherent value, unlike useless encrypted random number certificates advocated by others.
warez has little to do with cypherpunks other than the fact that warez dewds can use crypto technology to help protect themselves against overly strict and mostly industry driven laws against piracy. Warez is used more as an electronic ego booster than a currency.
3) I don't give a flying fuck if you pay for your DL time. If you're stupid enough to be using AOL as your Internet port of entry, then you deserve to be ripped off by Compuserve's evil bastard cousin. Why don't you point and click yourself a new brain, and join a flat-rate system like Netcom or any of the hundred other public access internet sites. Support the small entrepreneurs instead of those lazy fat bastard nazi censors at AOL.
support the cause you believe in. By the same token dont support evil software companies *even by stealing their software!* Use alternatives. Stealing their software doesnt hurt them (contrary to what you would have them believe). Supporting free software and any competitors they have who have plolicies you approve does hurt them.