hi, i would like to use a Pseudo Random Number Generator, that generates 32 different permutations of numbers between [0-360]. In each permutation all numbers 0<=x<360 should appear exactly once. A full period linear congruence generator with modulus 360 was used to obtain what is required with the help of 40 different seeds. The problem is that i find the data too correlated. Hence a much better linear generator,mersenne twister, mt19937's 32 bit implementation was used. It gives integer outputs between 0 and 2^32 -1. 360 consecutive outputs were taken and (each_output modulo 360) was computed. It was found that there are repetitions in the output. However i like to have them without repetitions. Is there anyway to get 'good' uniform pseudo random integers between 0 and user_given_limit, such that it generates all the numbers between 0 and user_given_limit? Thanks, Sarad. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your home page. http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs