I got spammed by someone selling Cryptx, a DES-based encryption program. I'm assuming they know they're spamming; at least the person who sent the email did, though perhaps the vendor doesn't understand it. In addition to selling crypto, their web page says they also sell an "Automates the process of submitting your URL's to over 370 sites!" which is at least on the borderline tacky side. Their web page doesn't look like snake oil, though they _really_ need to emphasize the importance of good keys (they talk about DES having been cracked once by the distributed internet crack, and neglect to mention that DES with easy-to-guess keys has been cracked regularly for years. So not only do the Bad Guys abuse the level of effort of the crack, but so do well-meaning but clueless people.) I'd guess they don't do anything like generating a random high-entropy session key and encrypting it with a passphrase. Also, they promise an "Update to 448-Bit encryption", which says that even if there's no snake oil now, there may be soon. Upgrade so you can email your encrypted files right through Cryptx. You will never have to worry about sending uncompromised email again. All of the domain names in the SPAM are from directsend.com Info World PO BOX 92223 City of Industry, CA 91715-2223 except of course than nrply.com is non-existent. The web page gives its identity as PBD Technologies 13502-H Whittier Blvd. Suite 304 Whittier, CA 90605 Their web page also says they have offices in Portland and Toronto, presumably including the person named in the whois for crypt-x.com Mark Weber CRYPT-X-DOM 4534 SE 17th Ave. Ste. 153B Portland, OR 97202 US Administrative Contact: Weber, Mark MW3634 coolio@AIMARKET.COM 503-235-9442 (FAX) 503-235-9254
Return-Path: <cryptx@ultra-mail.com> Received: from digital-coupons.com ([]) by ixmail2.ix.netcom.com (8.8.7-s-4/8.8.7/(NETCOM v1.01)) with ESMTP id NAA21132; ; Sat, 15 Nov 1997 13:50:22 -0800 (PST) From: cryptx@ultra-mail.com Message-Id: <199711152150.NAA21132@ixmail2.ix.netcom.com> Received: by digital-coupons.com (8.8.7/8.8.5) with SMTP id QAA07327; Sat, 15 Nov 1997 16:48:59 -0500 (EST) Date: Sat, 15 Nov 1997 16:48:59 -0500 (EST) Received: from by (8.8.5/8.7.3) with SMTP id XAA02678 for ; Sat, 15 November 1997 13:38:59 -0700 (EDT) To: GetProtected@nrply.com Subject: Protect your data from prying eyes!
Hello - Do you have information that is vulnerable? Do you utilize Email, FTP, HTTP, or just browse the Net? If so, your personal and business information is accessable to those who know how to find it. Now you can have the most powerful Data Security program, Cryptx, completely encrypt your data to keep out prying eyes. Why take the chance? Get your information completely secured and keep everyone from children to co-workers OUT of your private data. For more information and to get your FREE, fully-functional, Demo today simply go to our website at: http://www.ultra-mail.com/cryptx For questions or information on Dealer opportunities, please send a message to: cryptx@ultra-mail.com Thanks- Cryptx Staff
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Thanks! Bill Bill Stewart, stewarts@ix.netcom.com Regular Key PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF 3C85 B884 0ABE 4639