At 02:23 PM 9/22/00 +0100, Ken Brown wrote:
The trouble with that use of the words (though it is the most common one on this list I guess) is that it defines just about every nation-state that ever existed as "fascist" including the so-called capitalist countries: "if you don't manage it the way they want they do take it away" is more or less the situation in western Europe and North America right now. (Can anyone say "consent order"?)
So we end up with words that don't really distinguish between the very different situations of say, the USA, & the old USSR, & Spain under Franco.
Most of those are "mixed economies" of course. A fully developed fascist state requires that nominal versions of a market economy, wages, prices, profit, ownership etc. be maintained but that a full-blown command economy is maintained by wage and price controls and tight regulation of private commercial activity. So the US is not a fascist economy (it usually scores in 5th place among the nations on the two Economic Freedom of lists produced by the WSJ and CATO). DCF ---- Boston Blackie - Enemy to those who make him an enemy Friend to those who have no friend.