Gentlemen[*]: Looking for a modern revisitation of this 1996 Cyber McCarthyism paper (snips below). Something with an academic & empirical focus. Eh, I'm not holding my, I would equally value your thoughts on the following, in light of all the "cryptoboogeymen" popping out of closets into guv'mint press releases and hearings lately: o What do you think about [1-2]? o Contemporary parallels? (use of crypto as an aggravating factor in punishment, etc.) o Finally, how could [3] come about in the context of crypto (and other digital freedoms)? Whatever. Somehow, I don't think this group likes pointy questions. My apologies for the intrusion, I return to you to your regularly scheduled Choatian programming, and thoughts of edible panties. [*]appearances suggest an absence of participatory estrogen in here. ======================================================================= Electronic Journal of Sociology (1996) ISSN: 1176 7323 Cyber McCarthyism: Witch Hunts in the Living Room <snippage> [1] "This paper examines the potential for electronic communication to spark mass hate such as that seen in colonial Salem and during the McCarthy period." [2] "The elements which go into the development of mass hate include the following: 1) strains on the community through the recognition of a moral boundary crisis and identification of villains, 2) crystallizing of patterned labelling through a degradation ceremony, 3) appropriation of the social apparatus and suppression of critique mechanisms, 4) restoration of a normal situation." [3] "Finally, the fervour came under control. In both of these cases this occurred when the mass hate became a serious threat to the established power structure, members of the government in the case of colonial Salem and the Army in the case of McCarthyism." <end snippage> Respectfully, Aimee E. Farr, Esq. LAW OFFICE OF AIMEE E. FARR 5400 Bosque, Suite 675 Waco, Texas 76710-4418 office: 254.751.0030 fax: 254.751.09673