From: (Bob Stratton)
It's weird stuff, and some people would rather not have the world learning how to do this. In fact, Van Eck's original article is known to have some deliberate misinformation in it, as the author didn't want to make it "too easy" to learn how to do this kind of ELINT.
Ever realised that some things come along that just tickle your curiosity nerve and you wont let go until your satisfied? Im sure there are individuals and organisations out there that would love an excuse to shut down lists of this type, especially considering the type of information and the implications in the not too distant future if people start implementing half the concepts that are presented here. I would like to see indepth technical information, or at least pointers to said information presented here. Does anyone know of mailing lists out there that concentrate on levels of computer emissions and methods of diminishing them to negliable amounts? Where would one obtain copies of articles on the subject? I have saved the article posted by treason@gnu as it does contain a lot of references which give one something to go on. I commend him for posting it for it's informational content. It wasnt his fault it may have contained obselete or inaccurate information. So, anyone have lists of books, periodicals, email lists or papers that discuss the topic of computer RF emissions and how to protect a machine *AND* monitor the levels of others? Mark P.S. That NASA guy had better watch for list members waiting for the postie so they can collect the goodies before he can :)