The message about Jim's rearrest yesterday is confirmed, except the time of arrest was 1:07 PM, not AM. The reporter went by Jim's house after confirming that a bust was scheduled and waited for the action. Jim's been taken from Vancouver, WA, where he lives with his parents, to either Spokane or Seattle, for a hearing before a magistrate on the alleged parole violation. Jim's public defender is on the matter. No information on Jim's alleged violation, although the reporter says supposedly there's a long list of prohibitions including one against going near a federal facility, "even a mailbox." Someone's trying to a get a copy of the list which should be public information. Jim's appeal with the Ninth Circuit Court is presumably for reduction of the onerous prohibitions which may have been made sever enough that he could be hauled in whenever publicity is needed in the lucrative fight against "terrorism of the American people," a fever for funding that's feeding bucks into the bottomless pockets of US Justus Terrorists coming to call.