RAH whinged:
At 6:52 PM -0800 on 12/7/00, petro wrote:
At 05:31 PM 12/5/00 -0500, R. A. Hettinga wrote:
An instructive case. Apparently they used the keystroke monitoring to obtain the pgp passphrase, which was then used to decrypt the files.
A PDA would have been harder to hack, one imagines.
Are there padlockable metal cases for PDAs?
As I've written, the FBI should run quality house cleaning services in large cities.
How do you know they don't?
Watch your attributions. I didn't say the above...
Anyone who has spent *ANY* time on Usenet or mailing lists can easily read the >>'s . If you didn't write *ANY* of the above, then your gripe is with the person to whom I am replying. -- A quote from Petro's Archives: ********************************************** "Despite almost every experience I've ever had with federal authority, I keep imagining its competence." John Perry Barlow