TRENTON, N.J. (June 24, 1997 9:38 p.m. EDT) -- NCR Corp., the world's top maker of automated teller machines, plans to start offering machines that identify the user by scanning the eye.
This is not a good idea for ATMs, I have said this many times before: At present unauthorised use of someones account involves stealing their ATM card and PIN, which is insured against if reported soon anyway. If biometric ID becomes commonplace theivery of this kind involves either: 1. Gouging out someones eyeball (would this actually work or would the damage done to the eye render it useless?) Or, more likely: 2. Kidnapping the account holder and forcing them to ID themselves at gunpoint/knifepoint. I would sure as hell rather have the inconvenience of going home and calling the CC company to report a stolen card, than be kidnapped and possible harmed for a few $. Datacomms Technologies data security Paul Bradley, Paul@fatmans.demon.co.uk Paul@crypto.uk.eu.org, Paul@cryptography.uk.eu.org Http://www.cryptography.home.ml.org/ Email for PGP public key, ID: FC76DA85 "Don`t forget to mount a scratch monkey"