Please pardon this 1 time e-mail intrusion. (This information may be very important to you or someone you know taking College Entrance Exam!!!) "Math Shortcuts to Ace the SAT* and PSAT" For the US College Entrance Exam ISBN: 1-882228-00-6 (100 pg. book) Traditional SAT* math preparation materials & courses emphasize a review of math fundamentals, practice exams and general strategies. Our book uniquely SUPPLEMENTS these approaches with 34 specific math strategies & shortcuts to specific SAT* math problem types. Highlights of this Book: ---34 specific math shortcuts & strategies to the SAT* and PSAT ---Step-by-step examples ---Answers to all exercises ---Extensive glossary and index ---Concise summary of geometry formulas and concepts ---Easy to understand explanations Educator's Testimonials: "This SAT Math Shortcuts Manual is proving to be an excellent resource to our students preparing for the SAT & PSAT. Thank you for developing this invaluable resource." Carolyn W. Jacobs - Guidance Dept. Head - JFK High School, Richmond, VA "This is one of the best collections of SAT Math Shortcuts that I have come across. My students found it especially helpful. I highly recommend this book to anyone teaching an SAT Prep. class or workshop." Judy Edwards - Math/SAT Prep. Teacher - North Buncombe High School, Weaverville, NC "The book format is great. The sections on shortcuts was easily understandable and to the point." LaVerne McKesson: President, Educational Connections Math Dept. Head (retired) Detroit Public Schools "This book covers it all! It is compiled in a manner which holds the student's attention as it guides the student through math strategies and shortcuts to the SAT." Nanci S. Boice Admissions Dept. - St. Thomas Episcopal School - Houston, TX Author Bio: ---15 years: SAT Math test prep. instructor & College Algebra Teacher ---Columbia University grad.: BA, MBA Distributors: ---Ingram Book Co. (bookstores) ---Baker & Taylor (bookstores - pending) ---Independent Publishers Group (bookstores) ---Quality Books, Inc. & Unique Books, Inc. (libraries) ---Adams Book Co. (schools) ---Independent Sales Reps. (schools) To Purchase: Contact our shipping company: BookMasters, Inc. Order Dept. P.O. Box 388 1444 Rt. 42 Ashland, OH. 44805 USA Phone Orders: 1-800-247-6553 (24hrs/7days) Fax Orders: 1-419-281-6883 Outside USA phone: 1-419-281-1802 (24hrs/7days) Web-Site Orders: (Shortcut #21 on-line) (Shortcut #33 on-line) Price: $12.95/book for orders of 24 or less $11.95/book for orders of 25 - 49 $10.95/book for orders of 50 or more. Add Postage/Handling:$4 for single book order (1 book) 7% of purchase price for orders of 2 or more books. Ohio residents add 6% sales tax or supply state sales tax exempt #. Alabama residents add 4% sales tax or supply state sales tax exempt #. Check, Credit Card & School Purchase Orders accepted. Allow 1 week for delivery. Checks Payable to: BookMasters, Inc. or Achievement Publishing, Inc. To order have: Title, Publisher & ISBN available. For questions and comments to Achievement Publishing, Inc.: Voice mail: 1-800-499-6284 Fax: 1-888-581-2211 US Mail: Achievement Publishing, Inc. P.O. Box 1357 New York, NY 10013-0877 USA *SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board which is not associated with this product. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This email was sent to you by S. Direct Marketing. If you would like your ad sent to thousands or even millions...Please call 510-653-4709 9am to 9pm (PST) 7 days a week.