The DEA announced friday that doctors in Oregon that participate in doctor assisted suicides will have their licence to prescribe drugs revoked. Since when did the DEA gestapo obtain the power to regulate physician's rights to prescribe the drugs their patients need? But more important is the realization that the thugs in DC now consider our votes null and void, the _people_ of Oregon voted to allow assisted suicide, TWICE, I thought this was a government _of_ the people? In Arizona, the people voted to allow doctor prescribed marijuana for those that the doctors thought it would help relieve their pain, the governor of that state the morning after the vote declared the people of Arizona were stupid and he would block implementation of the law, what the fuck are these hicks voting for don't they read the pabulum we spoon feed them day after day about the dangers of drugs? The Kent Crispins of the world wake up, voting is a waste of time, the bastards only allow us to vote for Moe, Curly, or Larry, all of the same union of thugs, some assigned to the Republican party, some assigned to the Democratic party, soon even that fig leaf of democracy will be discarded and the maximum leader will tell us it is necessary for national security reasons to suspend voting on our leaders. Lock and Load? No I dont think so, it is pointless, go out get drunk, screw anybody that will consent, have a good time, the chains will soon clamp on your neck. Amerika love it or leave it.