4 Aug
4 Aug
2:16 a.m.
At 8:09 PM -0700 8/2/01, Black Unicorn wrote:
value. (Revisit my IANAL discussion in posts a few days ago in which I wonder aloud why these posters are taken seriously while the "I am not a doctor, but" posters are not).
Don't know where you've been reading the last 10 years, but it's the case all over the Internet that people give the most egregious medical advise (in one case a poster suggested someone break an "addiction" to ephedrine (taken as a diet aid/upper) with some ridiculous chinese herb that, you guessed it, contained ephedrine and caffine. (IIRC it was guarna). Similar nonsense abounds. At least most of the legal advice here will get you laughed at in court, not dead.