Hi Tim,
as it is in northern Ireland, Palestine/Israel, and the USA. Neither side is likely to get tired and go home. The only long-term solution is to learn to live together. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
When I hear people talk about "why can't we just get along together?" and its variants, I reach for my .45.
Why is it that so many people on the other side of the ocean still think they are in the Far West ?
"Learning to live together" is absurd when the other side has stolen your land. ^^^^
'your' land ? Oh, you mean what Columbus did ? Otoh, you're right. The best way to solve problems is to kill the problem-maker(s at both sides). But be sure to kill everyone, including babies and such. And don't forget to kill everyone you suspect might one day think (s)he is a far-far-descendant of the killed ones... Let's blow up the earth, while we're on it ? not! The major reason people can't live together is furnished by politicians who feel they should make it to history books ;-( kr= \\\___/// \\ - - // ( @ @ ) +---------------oOOo-(_)-oOOo-------------+ | kris carlier - carlier@iguana.be | | Hiroshima 45, Tsjernobyl 86, Windows 95 | | Linux, the choice of a GNU gener8ion | | SMS: +32-75-61.43.05 | +------------------------Oooo-------------+ oooO ( ) ( ) ) / \ ( (_/ \_)