On Sun, 15 Jun 1997, John Young wrote:
That's the theme, hey, hey, of the Denver meet of global leaders on June 20. Could it be that that's what the Silicon chiefs went to DC to plan last week while speechifying contrarily to CNN, C-SPAN and Declan.
Surely, though, bountifully trusty PGP is not party to this G-10 globalization of crippled crypto, or at least not its Chief Technology Officer, right?
BTW, Declan's spin on national affairs is starting to smell of pontification to the masses, classis sign of "if only you knew what I've been let in on." Shimomuraism, that, empty data.
Really? Can you point to examples? I certainly don't mean to be. Though I do learn a lot of things I can't write about directly. I had dinner last week with a senior White House official and an FTC commissioner and a bunch of other folks. The condition of the invite was not reporting on what was discussed. Yesterday I spent the afternoon with folks including a Supreme Court clerk and a Federal judge. Friday evening I went to a party with a bunch of Republican heavyweights where we talked about what the Senate leadership is doing with the crypto bills. If I come across as arrogant or stand-offish, call me on it. But, geez, I cover this stuff full-time and then some. Sometimes I *do* know stuff that isn't public. If it's interesting enough, I pursue it, verify it with folks who can talk on the record, and then write about it. -Declan