"William H. Geiger III" <whgiii@amaranth.com> writes:
In <v03007800af4415448ad4@[]>, on 03/05/97 at 10:38 PM, "Timothy C. May" <tcmay@got.net> said:
At 1:00 AM -0400 3/6/97, E. Allen Smith wrote:
From: IN%"tcmay@got.net" "Timothy C. May" 5-MAR-1997 22:59:36.45
Too bad your "assassination politics" doesn't extend to entire cities. I have concluded that having a terrorist group smuggle a nuke into D.C. woul not be altogether a bad thing. Besides dealing with the government problem it would also deal with a quarter of a million or more unemployable welfar addict leeches.
I'm glad you say "altogether"... some of us live (or have friends or family who live) decidedly too close to D.C. for such to be an attractive possibility. Besides that, I'm certain there are some innocents in the city just-born infants, perhaps?
War is never clean. Innocents always get caught in the crossfire.
If the U.S., for example, had avoided all actions in WW II which might have injured an "innocent" (babies, old women, schoolgirls, and so on...), the war could not have been prosecuted. Now maybe this is one option, one which ardent pacifists prefer, but most of us understand the practical realities that "innocents" often die in wars.
Nuking Washington is just a joke, of course. But I wouldn't cry any tears if I woke up one morning, turned on CNN, and was informed that a large crater appeared where D.C. once was.
I doubt that there would be few that would. :)))
I have always found the statment of "innocent civilians" to be an odd one in a time of war.
I have always beleived that all citizens held a collective guilt for the actions of their government. It is only through the support of the citizens can any government opperate wether through active support or through the inactivity of not opposing their government. This not only holds true for "democracies" for dictatorships as well. As such if the actions of a government bring it to war their civilian population is just as fair game as their troops in the field.
I wholeheartedly concur. Nuke Washington, DC. Kill every American everywhere. Even if they voted for Perot. --- Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps