+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is Edition 1-1 of "Pharisee Watch" a free internet service of We Hold These Truths. Future weekly editions will bear that title, please look for them. This is an opt in mailing intended for those who want to receive it. If you have received this mailing in error, or if you wish to withdraw, please follow the instructions at the end. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE BODY SNATCHER'S REPORT ON ON PLANET EARTH: Imagine a clandestine business visitor to our planet from another galaxy. His purpose is to determine if Earth is worth acquiring. If so, can it be bought or must it be conquered? Our visitor has done this before and is an expert evaluator. He is not to be detoured by prejudices or preconceived notions of power or virtue, and he is equipped with ice cold, near perfect insight and wisdom born of a race of conquerors. Our uninvited visitor quickly determines that a place called America is the unquestioned jewel of the planet. It boasts the highest growth, industrial might, agricultural production, and capital base on planet Earth. This space auditor decides that America also has the unchallenged military technology to rule the world, and perhaps the entire galaxy. Our visitor wonders how this country accomplished this preeminence. He notes that the period of greatest growth and productivity in America appears to have occurred during a time of cultural freedom and fervor, and that the dominant cultural standard or code is called Christianity. He measures the predominance of this culture, not by the number or size of relic cathedrals, but by the number of persons who regularly meet in meeting halls called churches. He notices that many, but not all, of these people worship a higher being. Our visitor observes with curiosity that at the beginning of the 21st Century there are more churchgoers in America than in the rest of the world combined. He also notices that Americans voluntarily contribute enormous amounts of their paper currency to others, often quite sacrificially. His review of American history reveals that the relationship of Christianity to its government and its education system is informal but traditional, dating back to the founding of the country, but it has declined rapidly in the last half of the 20th century. Furthermore, he does not fail to notice a direct relationship between America's lawfulness and the church attendance habits of its people. Being of superior intelligence, the intergalactic agent heads straight for the meat of the matter. Who runs things in America, and therefore, the planet? He knows from experience that this is the first question he will be asked by his superiors. He must find out with absolute certainty with whom he must deal, or with whom he must make war. His commander will want the names of the behind-the-scenes leaders, not the clearly visible functionaries. This alien visitor, by use of superior technology, can compress a lifetime of study (for an earthling) into a few hours. He will unravel the control puzzle by listening through some very thick walls, by scanning documents inside sealed vaults of guarded places, and by reading the minds of those who seemed to be powerful. After making such a study, our brainy visitor arrives at a startling conclusion. His report states that Americans appear to manage and govern themselves through a complex but seemingly workable process, but this is illusory. In fact a very small, active minority, identifiable by a different written culture code, rules. After making a study of the religious documents of this ruling minority, he labels them the "anti-Christians." The analyst notes that, in spite of the aggressive antagonism of the minority for the Christian majority, the reverse is not true. He observes that the Christian majority seems unable to recognize the antipathy of their adversary toward them, and that this produces in them a condition that is characteristic of servitude. He notes, however, that the relationship is not one of slave and owner; indeed, it appears to be one of willing host and benign parasite. The space traveler observes that those who identify themselves as "Christians" are a clear voting majority; but the anti-Christians (in plain sight of all) control the media, press, banking system and entertainment. He also observed that anti-Christians occupy a disproportionate number of the functionary and policy setting jobs through which they dominate representative government. He noted that the anti-Christians seemed to have a hypnotic power over their hosts, causing the Christians to accept anti-Christian culture and the veneration of anti-Christian shrines and symbols. The observer at first believed that the anti-Christians are a superior race (not unlike his own) with a genetic predisposition for administration and control. They might be from another planet that had successfully invaded and domesticated the Christian majority. So overwhelming was the number of anti-Christian functionaries in the highest and most influential offices of Earth that he could not imagine why there are so few Christians in revolt. However, this outer space scout is able to dismiss the thought that the anti-Christians are a superhuman race from another galaxy. A brief visit to the home colony of the anti-Christians, the place he has named "Xion," convinces him otherwise. There he finds the anti-Christians were indeed human, possessing all the frailties he has observed elsewhere on the planet. Despite being a clear majority they ruled Xion quite badly. He was stunned to find that the anti-Christians, who control the Christians so well in America, live in a state of perpetual war and strife in their own homeland. Xion's economy is feeble and its currency depreciated, and an impoverished but devout minority faction is in near constant revolt. The anti-Christian home colony is wracked with inflation and dominated by an unhealthy military establishment. It survives on doles from other nations and employs systematic state terror and torture to enforce obedience and order upon its dissident minority. Satisfied with his trip, the planet traveler returns to his space ship to write his report. He states: "The capture of Planet Earth is a cinch and is well worth the trouble. Three percent of the population controls everything. We have only to take over and eradicate that tiny anti-Christian minority and assume their role to run the entire planet at our will. We will pretend to be them. The Christians are the key to earth's productivity. They need not even know our revolution is going on." His report then warns: "Our success requires complete and total elimination of the anti-Christian faction from all positions of authority. Their capacity for mischief and abuse of power seems to be unlimited. Earth's historical records clearly show that the anti-Christians' rapacious greed results from the written code of their culture, which most will not abandon. There is little room for trust or for any lasting negotiated business arrangement with them." The intergalactic visitor then comments of the Christians: "The earthlings known as Christians, for reasons I have not yet determined, but which are certainly related to their code of culture, are trusting, malleable, and easy to deceive. They are not likely to revolt so long as they can be convinced their oppressors are their friends and share the code of their culture." He concludes: "The best way to control them is the same way the anti-Christians control them-through manipulation of their own church leaders." --Eric Blair Copyright 2000, may be reproducible in full only, with permission. We Hold These Truths 4839 E. Greenway Road, #151 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 (http://www.whtt.org) 480-947-3329 If you wish to help WHTT, please type "Cloudseeder" in the SUBJECT. To withdraw please reply "Remove" in the SUBJECT LINE