On Tue, 20 Oct 1998, Adam Shostack wrote:
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 09:19:47 -0400 From: Adam Shostack <adam@homeport.org> To: Vincent Cate <vince@offshore.com.ai>, cypherpunks@cyberpass.net Subject: Re: My citizenship renunciation made difficult
I believe that the UN Universal Declaration of Human rights includes the right to emmigrate without undue hardship. I would suggest contacting Amnesty International to complain about this harrassment by the US government.
Article 13, section 2, article 15, section 2.
My experience is that the US refers to the UN treaty when it wants to expand its powers over us. When it comes to protecting our rights, they probably blithefully ignore it. Try applying many of those human rights protections to the ChiComs and see what happens. jim