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The ebook  written from an African Perspective by Daniel Oherein who is also  the Publisher of Strides Magazine - an award winning magazine for small to medium enterprises in Africa.

The ebook for example, revealed how the "freebie" model is proving to be one that is making multi-million dollar investor funded dotcoms crashing, and how the concept of generating massive traffic by giving away things for free, e.g. free sweepstakes, lotto and US$5 bills- gifting clubs by small home-based on-line entrepreneurs are making big dotcoms to be closing their doors. 

Jenny Hopkins - A renowned US based network marketer of women healthcare products has this to say about the course:

"Daniel, I read your course, and as long as there are humans on this earth, ONE OF THE PRODUCTS YOU DISCUSSED INSIDE YOUR NEW EBOOK WILL BE HOT!!! Viacreme appeals to 100% of the adult female population but tends to make both men and women quite happy!  Viacreme is on course to SHATTER the sales numbers of THAT LITTLE BLUE PILL for men!!!

Thus your email course is valuable AND THE OTHER BUSINESSES IT REVEALS WILL CONTINUE TO BE HOT!!!  THE INFORMATION IT CONTAINS will continue to appeal to 100% Of on-line marketers and anyone who wants to launch his or her own business on the Internet."

 Bearing in mind that not everyone have the skills to wade through Internet marketing jargons and web design, it provides simple and effective tools, and huge database of contacts and marketing leads of on-line opportunity seekers and entrepreneurs and how to use the Internet for effective email order business.

The ebook gives an average person a guide on choosing proper sellable businesses and  a chance to be successful on-line rather than falling into dubious Multi-level marketing and affiliate programmes.

If you wished to assist in the review, or add your programmes or business opportunities to the database of contacts, fill in the form below. The link to download the ebook for your review will be delivered to you immediately. If this email of yours is an auto-responder please you will need to provide another real email address as our tracking system trashes out auto-responders.   

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Once done, a tracking number will be email to you on how to claim your US$5.00 and how you can also refer your friends to earn more. For example, if ONLY 15 of your friends reviewed the book you will be extra US$187.50 richer. 

With regards

Daniel Oherein - 
Publisher: the Strides Magazine
CEO: Africa NETrepreneur Challenge cc
1 Adler Street
The Republic of Namibia, Africa
Tel /Fax +264-61-226828

BEST SELLING ON-LINE BUSINESSES THAT ARE KEPT SECRET! - and Learn How You Can Get Into Them Fast� - Daniel Oherein
Featured businesses: Software and Microsoft products, E-Gold and Paypal gifting clubs, Gambling and Lottery,  Viagra, Viacreme "alias Viagra for Women", Mailing lists and ebooks, and other top selling online businesses that are best kept secret by their owners and how to start them...

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