i am so grateful for quiet time with the scriptures
and i love it (thanks, coco).
and my wheels are turning with projects to put together for a locals knitting class.
i am determined to get the house clean so i can relax and sew tomorrow.
ok, i'm off to knit...
simple is always prettiest to me.
she wears birkenstocks to fashion shows.
have you seen april's ms living yet?
you've gotta love people with humor like that.
my happy little life
we are happily enjoying being able to play outside again.
she's amazing.
last minute trip to idaho to see my sister- so much better than home blogging!
doesn't she look like lucy from chronicles of narnia?
i recommend rounding your troops for a similar conversation, and a brainstorm session for how to prepare for what lies ahead. just sayin.
i mean, look at her hair.
the ms craft dept was featured in an article, and their personal crafting projects were shown.
there's a tiny restaurant
and a delicious coke.
may the light always find you on a dreary day.