On Jun 23, Lucky Green <shamrock@netcom.com> apparently wrote:
At 11:46 PM 6/23/97 -0400, Adam Shostack wrote:
Lucky Green wrote: | Who on this list intends to go to HIP'97? http://www.hip97.nl | I would like to organize a C*punks meeting there.
I'm going to go to Beyond Hope instead. (www.2600.com)
Which will have live links with HIP. MBONE meeting, anyone?
There will be links between HIP and Beyond HOPE. Both video and sound (even GSM if the patched phones will work in the US :-). And I am sure there will be other cypherpunks attending HIP (I for one will attend HIP).
--Lucky Green <shamrock@netcom.com>
Ciao, Unicorn. -- ======= _ __,;;;/ TimeWaster on http://www.IAEhv.nl/users/hvdl ============== ,;( )_, )~\| Hans "Unicorn" Van de Looy PGP: 64 07 5D 4C 3F 81 22 73 ;; // `--; GSM: +31 653 261 368 52 9D 87 08 51 AA 35 F0 ==='= ;\ = | ==== Youth is not a time in life, it's a State of Mind! ========