At 7:26 AM -0700 9/8/98, Ryan Lackey wrote:
[gun control laws in other countries being even worse than the US]
Does anyone know of any countries with more reasonable gun laws than the US? I vaguely think Israel and Switzerland are better, at least for citizens. It is one of the major problems I have with Anguilla -- "guns are bad". I miss my M1A.
Don't automatically assume Israel is good for gun ownership. If you're an untermenschen, a schwarzen, a sand nigger, an Arab, you can't legally own a gun. Unless you're one of the Trustees, i.e., a deputized member of the PLO's military or police. The Chosen People are of course encouraged to have fully automatic weapons. (This is not a detailed elaboration of Israeli gun laws. Maybe even some Jews are forbidden to have guns. Israel has a lot of laws. But I know that "settlers" carry Uzi and suchlike openly, while Arabs in the same lands are forbidden from even owning shotguns or .22s.) Switzerland is also not what many think it is. While able-bodied men who served in the military have weapons issued to them that they keep at home, this does not necessarily imply gun ownership nirvana. For one thing, all the guns are tracked. For another, visitors or temporary residents face the usual surveillance state controls. Don't count on there being Gun Show and Swap Meets, where folks trade .45s and 9s and Uzis and AR-15s and M1As without benefit of notifying the Supreme Ruler and His Minions. (Such as our Second Amendment says we can do, until the commies took over in these Beknighted States.)
I mostly have two classes of guns I'd like to have: air pistol, for practice and competition, and military-style semiautomatic rifles, for practice and long-term defense. Self-defense handguns and shotguns are somewhat optional.
See above. Let us know if you find anyplace in the Caribbean which actually allows these kinds of guns to be owned by the sheeple. --Tim May "The tree of liberty must be watered periodically with the blood of tyrants...." ---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---- Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, ComSec 3DES: 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets, Licensed Ontologist | black markets, collapse of governments.