Dimitri Vulis <dlv@bwalk.dm.com> writes:
Apparently a 'bot was installed on toad.com to discard my submissions from the "unedited" list _after my article which prompted the C2net threatening lawyer letter did make it through the "unedited" list (but was censored from the "flames" list by C2Net).
Your claim has some plausibility, I'll grant. You were already singled out for special treatment, in that John Gilmore did unsubscribe you, and block you from re-subscribing. We know that much because he admitted it himself. Also Attila said something recently about some of his messages being excluded from the unedited list, and being able to repost them at night and have them go through. He said he thought Tim May experienced similar problems. This is a serious charge because we were lead to believe that unedited was completely unedited -- it was supposed to be straight through, and neither John or Sandy ever admitted to editing unedited, yet according to these claims it appears that it was being edited. There are sort of plausible reasons why mail can disappear -- freak delivery problem (happens now and then), or perhaps flakiness of toad's majordomo to many changes being made to it. It is sort of within the bounds of believeability that these posts could have disappeared by accident. Given that multiple people are saying things about unedited being edited (either by bots or by hand selection) it seems likley that there was something sneaking going on towards the end, even with the unedited list.
At one point, all my submissions to cypherpunks appeared on "unedited" and then on "flames" with about a 3-second delay, indicating a 'bot at work. The 'bot was scrubbed when C2net decided that my writings were not suitable for auto- forwarding to the "flames" list either.
Wow. That is a somewhat plausible claim also, one it might be possible to verify from article headers in list archives.
For about a week, numerous articles by myself, Tim May, et al appeared on "unedited" but not on "flames".
I can confirm my belief that this part is true. Numerous people have verified this, which ocurred after Sandy faced his engineered "dilemma" :-)
My Jan 30th announcement that C2Net filtered out of the flames list _did show up on the unedited list. However my following articles, like the one quoting C2Net's threatening lawyer letter (which I cc'd to numerous people, including JYA, who, not surprisingly, declined to put it on his archive)
I'd be interested to hear John Young confirm or deny this. He if I recall correctly was also critical of C2's handling of the affair, and I would have thought that with his normal 'tude to censorship of documents, he would've put it up. So what happened John?
did _not appear on the "unedited" list. Nevertheless at least one lying C2Net shill from Hewlett Packard claims that my articles appearing on the unedited list on January 30th prove that I wasn't being filtered from "unedited" one week later.
Some thing's just can't be proven. That logic clearly doesn't flow.
Another lying C2net shill, Jason E. Durbin, a technical writer for Oracle, just wrote in news.admin.net-abuse.policy:
[Dimitri bashing by Jason Durbin]
"No banishment occured" - more bizarre lies from C2Net and their supporters.
Yup, that one is incorrect -- we've established that because John Gilmore admitted to unsubscribing you, and blocking you from re-subscribing.
Oh, and I don't recall sending binaries to this list either.
No, can't say I recall you sending binaries either.
This reminds me of the claim by Rich Graves, another C2Net/Cygnus shill, that I'm sending "hundreds" of articles a day to this mailing list.
Not hundreds, I agree. However there were a few rather long ones about "dandruff covered Armenians" :-), something involving some claimed historic ethnic cleansing.
You may recall that the same C2net/Oracle shill Jason Durbin has been following up on my Usenet articles in sci.crypt, comp.unix.questions, etc with lies and libel: claiming, e.g., that I "lie about my credentials", that I don't even have a master's degree, etc. Is C2Net paying Jason Durbin to badmouth my academic credentials?
Your credentials are independently verifiable. I have seen claims by people who have said that they had satisfied themself of your credentials by calling the university you got your PhD from. I have not done this myself, but I take your word for it. However another aspect to this argument over credentials is a comment that arose when another person with a PhD who used the title "Dr" in his From line subscribed to the list. That person was Fred Cohen. His above average education in having his PhD didn't seem to reflect in his posts, and several people commented on this fact. It seems to be that listing qualifications in From fields is asking for rude comments, or it seems to attract criticism :-) I can say I like the practice. Was a time on this list when there were quite a number of people who had PhD's. Jim Gilogly does I think, Atilla T Hun, no doubt lots of others, several past or present list members are post grad students studying for PhD's (and no doubt being distracted from their PhD topics by reading cpunks). I won't bother discussing my academic qualifications; it doesn't really seem necessary to discuss them on list. People's comments have value independently of their qualifications. It can be largely orthogonal to their paper qualifications. A lot of people in the computer field got their qualifications in other fields. Paul Kocher for instance if you look at his resume seems to have a BSc in Biology or something, however this clearly doesn't get in his way, as he does pretty high level crypto consulting (RSADSI, Netscape, etc). Anyway, perhaps it's time for a repost of the potted sequence of events I constructed of the events as I was able to verify them at the time. Uh... dig dig, I'll find it in a bit. Adam -- Now officially an EAR violation... Have *you* exported RSA today? --> http://www.dcs.ex.ac.uk/~aba/rsa/ print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<> )]}\EsMsKsN0[lN*1lK[d2%Sa2/d0<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<J]dsJxp"|dc`