Timothy Newsham wries:
Murdering Thug writes:
The only way to thwart the NSA is to use an encryption scheme which has been _proven_ uncrackable. The only one I know of is the One Time Pad.
didnt shannon prove that the only "unbreakable" encryptions (or encryptions with "zero knowledge") have to have a key at least as long as the message?
The key stream for a OTP system is infinitely long, and if a real random source is used (e.g. RF noise/static) no bit in the key stream has any relationship to any other bit in the key stream, unlike a pseudo-random-gen key stream where there is a relationship and this relationship can be found and the seed for the PRNG extracted and thus the key is broken. Since TV static on unused channels is basically amplified RF garbage coming in from outer space radio sources and is in fact "white noise", it makes the perfect encoding stream for a one time pad system, it's infinitely long, never repeats, and is never reused. Yes I do think the idea of making a "more random than random" stream by filtering out long runs of 0's or 1's weakens the the key stream in theory, but in practical use it strengthens it, because if the stream is left alone, runs of 500 bits of 0's or 1's can come through, and any fool can then extract plain text using XOR in this area of the cyphertext. LZW compression of the plaintext helps, but I feel that it is far better to reduce the possibility of a key stream containing long runs of 0's or 1's, than to leave it alone. The other possibility is to find a truly random RF source that has all the properties you want, the more important being that the >average< length of a homogenous bit run (0's or 1's) is around 4 or 5 bits. Of course you should let run lengths of 12 bits come through to screw the stat guys, but the >average< run length should be below 8 bits. Such a highly variable stream of white noise makes the perfect key stream in my opinion. Thug