Do you need an International Driver's License? Before answering, ask yourself these questions! Do I want to avoid points on my driver's license? Do I want to avoid paying fines? Do I want to avoid being forced to attend driver's education classes? Would I like to show a foreign driver's license when I get stopped? Would I like to show a foreign driver's license when I check into a hotel? Would I like to show an International Driver's License to get admitted to night spots? Would I like to have anonymous identification for private or other reasons? If your answer is "Yes!" to any of these questions, you need a Macronesian International Driver's License! For details on how to obtain a genuine Macronesian International Driver's License, call 1-602-735-3970 and leave your name, phone number, and best times to call you back. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// The above message was brought to you by PlusNet Marketing & Distributors. We market or distribute any product or service by bulk E-mail and by traditional marketing media. For information, call 1-513-763-3862. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////