Luthor Blisset wrote:
At 12:08 PM 10/13/01 -0400, somebody with the password to jbdigriz@dragonsweb.org wrote:
You're last paragraph's supposition is interesting, but the whole RIAA thing looks more like an rtmark action, maybe. Which would be funded from within the ranks of Disney-Sony-AOL/TimeWarner-IG-Coca-Farben et al. Not DOD/CIA.
You want to some see devious shit, check out rtmark. This is the cointelpro arm of the bait-and-switch artists who give us RATM and the Matrix on the one hand, and DMCA et al. on the other.
Exactly how, pray tell, do you figure that rtmark (and i presume you mean the rtmark.com people) has any relationship to Disney-Sony-AOL/TimeWarner-IG-Coca-Farben-et-al other then one of near-violent opposition?
Last time I checked, rtmark made some of the most clever anti-corporate propaganda I've ever seen. I'm extremely skeptical of any claims that they are part of what they seem to so diligently oppose.
-- Luthor //Remembering is copying and copying is THEFT
I'm digging around for the copy of the "Deconstructing Beck" spam that I archived somewhere, which clearly lists a Geffen publicist encouraging, and I quote, "ripping off" the aforesaid artist, whose ROI was apparently slipping at the time. '97, I think. Maybe that was a hoax, too, but that's the kind of thing that can get you hoist by your own petard. jbdigriz