There have been several panicky calls that "Arabs" were seen at national tourist spots, including photographing the Hoover Dam. Some on Usenet are calling for steps to "crack down" on these photographers. This is an article I wrote for Usenet: This is not the Soviet Union. Anyone may photograph _anything_, except on a military base or the like. There are no restrictions supported in the U.S. Constitution supporting bans on photographing, drawing, or making notes on anything not explicitly forbidden by military classification laws. I know that I if I am ever stopped for photographing a dam or a bridge I hope I'll have the courage to tell the cop to fuck off. If arrested on such a bogus charge, things will escalate dramatically and I would be forced to Plan B. (Sounds harsh. "They're just doing their job." Nope. They don't have any legal right to stop persons without probable cause. Looking Arabic is not probable cause. Photographing a dam is not probable cause. Being suspicious is not probable cause.) I realize many of the survivalist and gun owner types are now adopting the "My country, right or wrong" stance. Not me. Things are going to get very, very violent if this stampede toward a police state continues. --Tim May