Hi, Forwarded message:
From: "William H. Geiger III" <whgiii@amaranth.com> Date: Wed, 04 Jun 97 21:38:40 -0500 Subject: Re: Webpage picketing (fwd)
Correct and using my model would in no way interfere with a users use of the network. It would not add excessive delay or other impedemants. It would be a one time event that occured when the site was initialy accessed. Much like having to go past the picketers on the side of the road at least once.
I guess we will have to agree to disagree. If I am stoped even once that is one time too many. In the real world if a group of picketers try to impead my entrance to a store parking lot the growl of a 427 does alot to convince them of the errors of their ways. :)
Whew, talk about fixated. NOBODY is talking about stopping anything but you, THAT would be unconstitutional. I am NOT saying that such a situation would prevent you from reaching your destination (ie the store) but it would require you to pass through the picket line (ie get a single page as your first responce to your request) and be exposed however briefly to their speech.
Yes and it is the participants who are sending the packets. If I am sending packets between point A & B you have no right to interfere with those transmisions.
You are right, I WOULD have a right to interfere with their reception which is after all what I am talking about. I am in no way discussing slowing or otherwise altering the request from the user, I am specificaly talking about adding a single page to the servers output. Straw man.
You donot have the right to re-route them or substute them for others. If you have somthing to say put up a web page and if I am interested I'll stop by and take a look. You don't have the right to force me to look. To do so would be a serious perversion of the 1st Amendment.
Absolutely, and none of this has anything whatsoever to do with the issue at hand. Another straw man. If you are using a publicly funded thoroughfare I CAN consitutionaly FORCE you to see my message if YOU insist on going to that particular store. It isn't the user who is being picketed, it is the server. You as a user of the system have nothing to say about it, unless as alluded by another cpunk you want to picket the picketers (which is completely legal and happens quite often). _______________________________________________________________________ | | | Speak the truth, but leave immediately after. | | | | Slovenian Proverb | | | | Jim Choate ravage@ssz.com | | The Armadillo Group www.ssz.com | | Austin, Texas, USA 512-451-7087 | |_______________________________________________________________________|