Lucky Green <shamrock@cypherpunks.to> wrote:
And the demand for such ecash systems is real. I personally carried a $10 million offer for a non-exclusive license for the blind signature patent to David Chaum. He declined the offer. "The patent is not for license". DigiCash's CEO since March of last year, Mike Nash, also told me that DigiCash was not considering licensing the patent. I knew that day that it was time to quit. Not surprisingly, nobody heard from DigiCash since.
You could challenge the patent, and probably win, for less than $10 million. There is quite a bit of prior art that Chaum neglected to disclose, especially a certain incident where Chaum, as editor of Crypto '84 proceedings, tried to supress part of ElGamal's paper which discussed 'signature conversion' (aka blind signatures).