Anyone care to submit major censoring categories for each church? ;-) Maybe the best way for cypherpunks to attack this is to come up with free generic filtering software that any well recognized group can develop filtering lists for. Wait -- a name is coming to me -- GNUSitter?
How about a variant on this idea: a cypherpunks web filter that filters out all content which has any of the following: Superstitious religious claptrap Moralising on porn etc. Anti free speech rhetoric All government departments All Anti-drug "war on some vegetables" rubbish etc. etc. etc. And specifically filters in as a random start page for the browser any of the following: Pornography Free speech advocacy Hate speech Violent, filthy, disgusting, explicit pages showing images of death and torture. Any pages graphically depicting the stories and parts of the bible the religious types like to forget about. Datacomms Technologies data security Paul Bradley,, Http:// Email for PGP public key, ID: FC76DA85 "Don`t forget to mount a scratch monkey"