If you are not interested in adult pictures or are under the age of 18, I apologize, DO NOT REPLY and I will GUARANTEE you will be removed from my list or you may reply to removetif@answerme.com and you will receive confirmation that you were removed, either way, I apologize and you WILL be removed from my list. Hi my name is Tiffany. I am a college student that just learned how to make a web page, so I decided to put some naughty pictures of myself on my page for everyone to see. If you want to see it, write back to me at tif@answerme.com and type "over 18" in the subject box (you will have to change the current "to" box to tif@answerme.com) If you are offended by nudity, Do Not Reply and I will take you off my mailing list. -Tiffany -Tiffany