27 Apr
27 Apr
5:36 p.m.
On Mon, 2004-04-26 at 18:39, Steve Furlong wrote:
On Mon, 2004-04-26 at 12:58, sunder wrote:
Al's prise pig of a wife, Tipper, helped found the PMRC against lyrics in songs.
And, like all statists, they went widely astray of their goals. Frank Zappa's _Jazz from Hell_ got a "Tipper Sticker", indicating obscene lyrics. They didn't notice that _JfH_ was an instrumental album.
Must have been because of 'G-Spot Tornado'. -- Roy M. Silvernail is roy@rant-central.com, and you're not Never Forget: It's Only 1's and 0's! SpamAssassin->procmail->/dev/null->bliss http://www.rant-central.com