if you'd like to help me test some crypto pieces the following ISO includes a test mode which gathers stats and hardware info. feel free to trim whatever from this report and send me the remainder. additional modes support a network-less key management mode and a network enabled instance and cd/dvd writing clone mode. i'm curious about the following mainly: - does it boot? - is network hardware (no wireless) detected in 'net' target? - does entropy mgmt on VIA hardware work? (c5test/c5keys/c5net) - does the clonecd/clonedvd work with your hardware? (clone) - are the key mgmt tools provided sufficient/working? (gpg, openssl, ssh) feedback appreciated. please note the test mode may take a loooong time (30 mins not uncommon). also note you may be left with a single seeder on a slow DSL line, which might take a while as well. src for mtrngd and modified hw_random in src/ on the iso. these bits need some work... thanks http://home.peertech.org:65534/test.iso.torrent gpg --print-md sha256 test.iso test.iso: C7096E4F 76F6AE52 F3E61058 0C269EC3 9C2A1478 B11DDDC5 0664F9F 864DDB44 you can run this without any disks for the security conscious. the full project is intended for release at defcon this year. hope to see you there. (not as a presentation, we just like to geek out. and i'll try to be sober this year but no promises!)