Hey bro, nice talking to you the other day!!!

  Thought you wou1d want to check this out,I got some for
*  myse1f cause they were on sa1e,you shou1d check out the s!te, I added the 1ink below.
*  Stee1 Pa(kage: 10 Patches reg $79.95 N0vv $49.95 ! Free shipping to:!
*  Si1ver Pa(kage: 25 Patches reg $129.95, N0vv $99.95! Free shipping and free exercise manua1 inc1uded!
*  Go1d Pa(kage: 40 Patches reg $189.95, N0vv $149.95! Free shipping and free exercise manua1 inc1uded!
*  P1atinum Pa(kage: 65 Patches reg $259.95, N0vv $199.95! Free shipping and free exercise manua1 inc1uded!
I kn0vv l!ke 10 guys wh0 have already st0(ked up on these. Here's the link to (heck out br0 L|NK

Talk to you soon!


T0 $top g0 |-|ere!