The evening news says Dubbya is asking Congress for 20 billion for his little war, and it sounds like the moron is actually going to try to invade Afganistan. I hope, in one respect, they actually do it. It will be amusing to watch the body bags coming home as the Afgans kick Yankee butt just like they did Ivan's.
Isn't there some rule that says "don't start a land war in Asia"? It sounds like that's what's going to happen. The idea of kicking some terrorist ass may be gratifying, but the practice of it may be more than the US can stomach. Salon has a good article sugesting that the US should treat this as a criminal manhunt, not as a military matter, for quite a few sound reasons, which include the idea that a military action will cost the US allies, but a manhunt may help retain allies.
How did you people ever allow this delusional sub-normal wacko to become your leader? For those of us old enough to remember, he sounds more and more like Adolf Hitler.
Oh no, Hitler has come up in this thread!