See Also: http://www.wired.com/news/news/politics/story/13129.html Postal Service Eyes .us Domain 12:30 pm PDT 19 Jun 98 The post office is circulating a draft laying out its case for taking over the United States' official top-level Internet domain as a means of accelerating ecommerce. The 8 May proposal outlines four goals the postal service would pursue if granted authority over the domain by Jon Postel, who heads up the numbers authority and administers the .us domain. The service said it is already working with Postel's group to map .us domain space against its postal address database. Postal service spokeswoman Sue Brennan said the proposal was developed at the urging of the White House. "The administration requested that we investigate the policy of a .us domain, just to investigate what would be involved," Brennan said. "The majority of the other countries have their own country domain ... managed by the government, so the Commerce Department was investigating the possibilities [of doing the same in the United States]." According to the proposal submitted to the institute, the postal service would "engage the private sector in the development of credentialed, commerce-enabling space under .us [and] promote classified business addressing under .us at local, state, and national levels as an open reference for public and private delivery systems and competing directory services." The proposal also said the postal service would "manage an open policy process to develop policies for expanding the .us domain... [and] work toward the establishment of a governance structure that will represent the diversity of stakeholder interests -- private, nonprofit, and public -- in a fully developed .us domain space [snipped...] James Glave, News Editor, Wired News, http://www.wired.com (415) 276-8430