There is a problem with the notion that all "anonymous" remailers and news-posting services should label their messages as anonymous so that users can decide whether to read them or not. This approach abandons one of the strongest arguments in favor of anonymous remailers, which is that the net is inherently an anonymous environment.
Here's a queer thought: You've heard about the usenet dossiers that have been compiled and sold to prospective employers? How about a dossier-lookup function integrated into your favorite news reader? It would connect to a dossier server and quickly provide a cross-reference of all the other posts by the current poster...copies of the last 10 revisions of his plan file...and an analysis of his individual quirks...(along with, perhaps, a list of the top ten reasons not to hire him).... Is this so off-base? We've also been talking a lot about reputation filters, which would probably require such activity logging. Hell, it could even be put to a few good uses: We could call up Eric's dossier to quickly find his original remailer post to alt.hackers... Stig