On Wed, 19 Jun 1996, se7en wrote:
A MasterCard International official told a congressional committee Wednesday that encryption technology is "vital to the development and security" of a number of its products, including its smart card program.
Joel Lisker, MasterCard International senior vice president for security and risk management, testified in support of the "Promotion of Commerce On-Line an the Digital Era Act" bill.
Hmm. Mr. Lisker is a friend of mine. I think I'll give him a call. --- My preferred and soon to be permanent e-mail address:unicorn@schloss.li "In fact, had Bancroft not existed, potestas scientiae in usu est Franklin might have had to invent him." in nihilum nil posse reverti 00B9289C28DC0E55 E16D5378B81E1C96 - Finger for Current Key Information Opp. Counsel: For all your expert testimony needs: jimbell@pacifier.com