-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 At 01:01 AM 12/4/97 -0500, Declan McCullagh wrote:
PRIVACY FROM GOVERNMENT: Lefty groups join libertarians and
some right wing groups (Eagle Forum) here. Their battle is with defense/law enforcement and (largely) right-wing groups that are ideologically sympatico. This collection of right-wing groups includes police chiefs, attys general groups, and columnists like Frank "ban crypto" Gaffney from the Washington Times. We can be more precise if we break down "privacy from government" into narrower issues like wiretap, crypto, medical
occasionally privacy,
etc. Gets more complicated (as you note) when we're talking about balancing access to gvt info with privacy; journalist groups come down hard for access.
Well, this isn't entirely true. Some of the loudest voices in banning/regulating crypto come from the left:Senator Lieberman, Senator Feinstein,Rep. Dellums, the Clinton Administration in general, etc. The fear of 'bomb making information' and 'terrorist militia groups' is almost entirely a left-wing fear, one about as realistic and plausible as the 60's John Birchers fear of 'Communist insurrection' behind every middle-class loser youth who grew his hair too long or waved around (but probably never read) Mao's Little Red Book. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0 Charset: noconv iQA/AwUBNIZI1jKf8mIpTvjWEQJGLACgppADJBSjr32pEdSJ3jHyCOure78AnRew ACdyp2md6/ZG9yWbuWiauNIt =fR42 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----