How did you CA cypherpunks feel about being fingerprinted?
Well, if I'd been thinking about it, I'd have put some rubber cement and whiteout on my thumb before getting the license :-) More the issue at the time was that the politicians were busy deciding that your ability to drive safely obviously depended on whether your citizenship papers were in order (the month I got it they'd temporarily stopped doing that.) I recently renewed the license, and they didn't ask for papers or thumbprints, but they still don't print the license at the remote DMV offices; they print them centrally because it simplifies verifying your information with the INS thugs. The citizenship papers issue has basically doubled the market for counterfeit licenses; it's not just excessively bad drivers who bribe DMV employees any more. Back when I lived in New Jersey, the cops would set up traffic stops not only to look for drunk drivers (at 9am?!), but also to check if your papers were in order. I haven't seen much of that in California, but presumably the Southern part of the state does it more often to catch Spanish speakers who are loose in the population. Thanks! Bill Bill Stewart, PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF 3C85 B884 0ABE 4639