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Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 22:54:15 -0700 From: Bill Frantz <frantz@netcom.com> Black Unicorn uses a nym to express opinions he expects his coworkers and acquaintances would not like. Anonymous remailers can be used for the same purpose. Ok, I believe that falls under the 'bitching' category.
No. When I say "Jane doe is a bitch", I am bitching. When I say "IMO, we need to eliminate the governments ability to track the movement of money thru the system", that is not bitching, that is stating an opnion that might cost one contacts or clients were one in the kind of business where that kind of thing wasn't highly thought of.
I have heard of people's posts being brought up in employment interviews. A rational person might want to express controversial opinions anonymously. And your point is? My personal opinions have nothing to do with my professional career and yours shouldn't either. I would love to have a
Shouldn't != doesn't.
If you want to work for such a company and you know their views and your views are in conflict then I would say you need a shrink not an anon. remailer.
Or just a job.