Jim Choate <ravage@ssz.com> writes:
Adam Back <aba@dcs.ex.ac.uk>
[autonomous agents, markets for CPU time, disk, comms]
Has anyone done any work that you are aware of under the Plan 9 os? With it's fundamental seperation of i/o, process, and file servers along with it's inherent bidding/scheduling mechanism it seems to me that a lot of this work has already been done. In addition there are programs that allow Linux boxes to participate as Plan 9 compliant file servers.
Sounds interesting. I am not familiar with plan 9 besides the enthusings of a colleague reminiscing about the work done at York Univ, UK with plan 9. Java has a lot going for it as a candidate due to portability and code distribution support. I think the only thing missing from java is the bidding and scheduling mechanisms. Your other forwarded message on plan 9 looks interesting also. Adam