Special Sale!!!
Save $200.00 off Our Low Price
Deduct and Save $200.00 on any Sale Over $750.00, expires Nov. 2001
Make Your Best Deal and then take Your Discount.
Up to 80% off the Publishers List Price
Choose From: Rizzi, Fazzino, Lichtenstein, Haring, Erte, Warhol, McKnight, Max, Kostabi, Tarkay, Dali, Miro, Vasarely, Kondakova, or others...
Note: The image displayed does not reflect the vibrant colors of the original, please call for a full color image.

To receive our free custom catalogue with images and descriptions,
please provide your name, address, phone number, fax number, email,
and circle the artists you like and fax to: 530 689 9774 for more information.
*Framing is Free!! *Must Sell!!
*$1,000,000.00 Inventory!! *Shipping is Free for domestic purchase!!
*International Orders Welcome!! *Must Raise Cash!!
I look forward to your reply. I will Offer you the Best Price on the Best Fine Art available!!

Best Regards,
Alan Jennings
Gallery Director
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Rizzi Fazzino Lichtenstein
Haring Erte Warhol
McKnight Max Kostabi
Tarkay Dali Miro
Vasarely Kondakova Agam
Picasso Boulanger Britto