At 08:50 PM 9/13/01 -0400, An Metet wrote:
The evening news says Dubbya is asking Congress for 20 billion for his little war, and it sounds like the moron is actually going to try to invade Afganistan. I hope, in one respect, they actually do it. It will be amusing to watch the body bags coming home as the Afgans kick Yankee butt just like they did Ivan's.
Yeah, and women there might be able to earn a living selling bread in a year. Its not like the US won't stomache a few more body bags now. Osama forgot that: when you toast that many that fast, you can motivate incredible shit. Better to have boiled the frog slowly. Same goes for the latent rights-raping scum in Congress. They better not try cooking the frog. The futures options on trinitite in Afghanistan have seriously dropped...