On Wed, 17 Jul 1996, Jerome Tan wrote:
Does anyone know how to make a home-made telephone voice changer?
Well, if you've got your sound card in your computer, if you download Speak Freely (from http://www.fourmilab.ch) and simultaneously turn on LPC-10 compression along with simple compression, I've found my voice comes out more like Robbie the Robot than John Deters. It's an interesting feature of the LPC-10 compression that as it removes redundancy from the transmission that it removes the "human identity" from it as well. There's got to be a moral to that story somewhere (especially since the NSA developed the LPC-10 algorithm). John -- J. Deters "Captain's log, stardate 25970-point-5. I am nailed to the hull." +-------------------------------------------------------+ | NET: jad@dsddhc.com (work) jad@pclink.com (home) | | PSTN: 1 612 375 3116 (work) 1 612 894 8507 (home) | | ICBM: 44^58'33"N by 93^16'42"W Elev. ~=290m (work) | | PGP Key ID: 768 / 15FFA875 | +-------------------------------------------------------+