Interested in Chinese products!!
Comprehensive Directory of over 2500 suppliers from China with their Email addresses and URL
now available in a CD-ROM for Rs. 500/=(Shipping & Handling Included)
Please click here  to email us a reply with your name, address and Pin Code to confirm your order.
(All you have to do is pay Rs. 500 when the CD-ROM is delivered at your step.)
About CD-ROM
*   Extensive electronic tool for sourcing from China.
 *   2500+ suppliers from China.
*  Images and Product specifications for each company.
*  Contact person with Email address and Home Page of each compamy included
Categories include :
Electronics, Computers, Bags & Footware, Fashion Accessories, Jewellery, Watches & Clocks, Gifts & Premium, Auto Parts & Accessories, Lighting & Electrical, Mobile Accessories & Parts, Security & Safety, Telephones & Systems Wireless Communication, Food & Beverage, Furniture & Furnishing, Health & Beauty, Home Appliances & Decor, Industrial Machines & Supplies, Kitchen & TableWare, Stationery & Office products, Sporting Goods & Outdoor products,
Toys, Games & Hobbies, Trimmings & Fabrics.
Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery.
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