"Igor Chudov @ home" wrote:
Well, take 11, for example, it cannot be repsesented as a sum of different primes. It cannot, pure and simple.
Bullshit: 7+5+(-1)=11. Last I heard, negative numbers weren't excluded from being primes. 7 is different from 5, -1 is different from 7 and from 5. -- =====================================Kaos=Keraunos=Kybernetos============== .+.^.+.| Sunder |Prying open my 3rd eye. So good to see |./|\. ..\|/..|sunder@sundernet.com|you once again. I thought you were |/\|/\ <--*-->| ------------------ |hiding, and you thought that I had run |\/|\/ ../|\..| "A toast to Odin, |away chasing the tail of dogma. I opened|.\|/. .+.v.+.|God of screwdrivers"|my eye and there we were.... |..... ======================= http://www.sundernet.com ==========================