Maybe you have some use for the appended perl script. I created it for a list setup quite similar to what is currently being discussed on cypherpunks. It has never ever been used in production; you'll notice yourself that the code is not too nice. The script currently tries to handle majordomo and SmartList exploders; at least SmartList needs to be hacked a little bit to avoid daily subscription approvals to people being moved between different sub-lists. Distribute and use this script freely; credit is appreciated. tlr ------------------------------ #!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################ # # $Id:,v 1.2 1997/01/24 17:20:38 roessler Exp $ # # # Handle distributed mailing lists. # require ''; $c_sublists='lists'; # Data about the sublists $c_distfile='dist'; # A list of mail addresses $c_datafile=''; # _Our_ list of addresses $c_contact=''; # Whom to contact in case of problems $sendmail="| /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -odq"; $debug=0; # Debugging output. Can also be # turned on by using the -x switch. $signature="-- \nThis mail has been generated automatically by the distlist\n". "program. Please contact $c_contact in case of problems.\n"; @sublists=(); @newsubs=(); # # Command line processing # &dprint (1, 'Processing the command line...\n'); &Getopts('s:d:D:c:x:'); $c_sublists=$opt_s if $opt_s; $c_distfile=$opt_d if $opt_d; $c_datafile=$opt_D if $opt_D; $c_contact=$opt_c if $opt_c; $debug=$opt_x if $opt_x; # # Read the data and config files, perform various checks. # # # sublists # &dprint(1, "Reading $c_sublists..."); # format: addr:maxsubscr:listtype:password:adminrequest:maintainer open(SUBLISTS, $c_sublists) || die("Can't open $c_sublists"); SUBLIST: while(<SUBLISTS>) { next SUBLIST if /^#/ || /^$/; chop; ($addr, $maxsubscr, $listtype, $password, $admin, $maintainer) = split(/:/, $_); $s_maxsubscr{$addr}=$maxsubscr; $s_listtype{$addr}=$listtype; $s_password{$addr}=$password; $s_admin{$addr}=$admin; $s_maintainer{$addr}=$maintainer; $s_onlist{$addr}=0; $s_addem{$addr}=""; $s_delem{$addr}=""; &dprint(3,"Parsed list $addr: maximum $maxsubscr people; listtype $listtype; password $password.; administrative address $admin; maintainer $maintainer"); @sublists=(@sublists, $addr); } close(SUBLISTS); # In addition, we define a special list for people to be redistributed later. $s_maxsubscr{'later'}=100000; # Very big. ;) $s_listtype{'later'}=""; $s_password{'later'}=""; $s_onlist{'later'}=0; $s_addem{'later'}=""; $s_delem{'later'}=""; # # Read our dist file # # format: user:list if(open(DATAFILE, $c_datafile)) { &dprint(1, "Reading $c_datafile..."); USERLINE: while(<DATAFILE>) { next USERLINE if /^#/ || /^$/; chop; ($user, $list) = split(/:/, $_); # Check if the list exists; handle user. if(! $s_maxsubscr{$list}) { &dprint(2, "While checking user $user: $list does no longer exist."); $list="later"; } elsif( $s_onlist{$list} >= $s_maxsubscr{$list} ) { &dprint(2, "Warning: $list is full. Redistributing people later."); $s_delem{$list}=join(':',$user,$s_delem{$list}); $list="later"; } $s_onlist{$list}++; $u_list{$user}=$list; $deletem{$user}=$user; } close(DATAFILE); &dprint(1,"$c_datafile finished."); } else { &dprint(1, "Warning: Can't read $c_datafile."); } # # Now, read the real distribution file. # &dprint(1, "Reading $c_distfile..."); open(DISTFILE, $c_distfile) || die("Can't open $c_distfile"); DISTLINE: while(<DISTFILE>) { next DISTLINE if /^#/ || /^$/ || /^\(/; chop; if(!$u_list{$_}) { # A new member. &dprint(2, "Found a new member: $_."); @newsubs=($_, @newsubs); } else { # We know him. &dprint(3, "Well-known: $_."); delete $deletem{$_}; } } close(DISTFILE); # # Handle deletions. # foreach $user (keys %deletem) { $list=$u_list{$user}; delete $u_list{$user}; $s_onlist{$list}--; $s_delem{$list}=join(':', $s_delem{$list}, $user); &dprint(3, "Removing $user from sublist $list."); } # # Handle postponed subscriptions: The later list. # foreach (keys %u_list) { next unless $u_list{$_} eq "later"; @newsubs=($_, @newsubs); delete $u_list{$_}; &dprint(3, "Adding $_ to the list of new subscriptions. Was postponed."); } &dprint(1, "Distributing new subscriptions..."); NEWSUBS: foreach $user (@newsubs) { $avg=0.0; foreach $l (@sublists) { $avg += $s_onlist{$l}/$s_maxsubscr{$l}; } $avg = $avg / ($#sublists + 1.0); if ($avg >= 1) { &dprint(2, "Warning: All sublists are full while trying to insert $user."); } undef $possible; foreach $l (@sublists) { if($s_onlist{$l} <= $avg*$s_maxsubscr{$l}) { $possible=$l; } if($s_onlist{$l} < $avg*$s_maxsubscr{$l}) { last; } } if($possible) { $l = $possible; } $s_addem{$l}=join(':', $s_addem{$l}, $user); $s_onlist{$l}++; $u_list{$user}=$l; } # # Write our own data file. # if(open(DATAFILE, ">$c_datafile")) { foreach (keys %u_list) { printf DATAFILE "%s:%s\n", $_, $u_list{$_}; } close(DATAFILE); } else { &dprint(1, "Warning: Can't write $c_datafile."); } # # The lists have been put together. Commit the changes. # &dprint(1, "Committing the changes..."); foreach $l (@sublists) { if($s_listtype{$l} eq "majordomo") { &commit_majordomo($l); } elsif ($s_listtype{$l} eq "smartlist") { &commit_smartlist($l); } else { &dprint(1, "While trying to commit changes for $l:"); &dprint(1, "Unknown list type $s_listtype{$l}.\n"); } } # # To be done: Print out some statistics. # print "Distlist results:\n"; print "-----------------\n"; print "\n"; printf "There are currently %d subscribers on %d sublists.\n\n", scalar(keys %u_list), $#sublists+1; $full_lists=0; printf "%-40s on max\n", "Name"; printf "----------------------------------------------------\n"; foreach $l (@sublists) { printf "%-40s %4d %4d", $l, $s_onlist{$l}, $s_maxsubscr{$l}; if($s_onlist{$l} >= $s_maxsubscr{$l}) { print " *** This list is full ***"; $full_lists++; } print "\n"; } if($full_lists) { print "\n$full_lists of the sublists are *full*. Please get in touch\n"; print "with the maintainers.\n"; } print "\n\n"; print $signature; ############################################################ # # Some helper functions. # # Print out diagnostics. sub dprint { if($_[0] <= $debug) { printf STDERR "%s\n", $_[1]; } } sub commit_majordomo { my $list=$_[0]; my @bla; my $ll; my $user; &dprint(2, "Committing changes to majordomo list $list"); &dprint(3, "to be added: $s_addem{$list}"); &dprint(3, "to be deleted: $s_delem{$list}"); ($ll, @bla)=split(/@/, $list); if(!open(SENDMAIL, $sendmail)) { &dprint(1, "Warning: Can't start sendmail when committing changes to $list"); } print SENDMAIL "To: $s_admin{$list}\n"; print SENDMAIL "From: $c_contact\n"; print SENDMAIL "\n\n"; foreach $user (@bla=split(/:/, $s_addem{$list})) { print SENDMAIL "approve $s_password{$list} subscribe $ll $user\n" if $u_list{$user}; } foreach $user (@bla=split(/:/, $s_delem{$list})) { print SENDMAIL "approve $s_password{$list} unsubscribe $ll $user\n" unless $u_list{$user} eq $list; } print SENDMAIL $signature; close(SENDMAIL); } sub smartlist_xcommand { my ($list, $to, $passwd, $command, $maintainer) = @_; if(!open(SENDMAIL, $sendmail)) { &dprint(1, "Can't start sendmail when committing changes for $list"); } print SENDMAIL "To: $to\n"; print SENDMAIL "From: $c_contact\n"; print SENDMAIL "X-Command: $maintainer $passwd $command\n"; print SENDMAIL "\n\n"; print SENDMAIL $signature; close SENDMAIL; } sub commit_smartlist { my $list=$_[0]; my @bla; my $user; &dprint(2, "Committing changes to smartlist list $list"); foreach $user (@bla=split(/:/, $s_addem{$list})) { &smartlist_xcommand($list, $s_admin{$list}, $s_password{$list}, "subscribe $user", $s_maintainer{$list}) if $u_list{$user}; } foreach $user (@bla=split(/:/, $s_delem{$list})) { &smartlist_xcommand($list, $s_admin{$list}, $s_password{$list}, "unsubscribe $user", $s_maintainer{$list}) unless $u_list{$user} eq $list; } }